
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Conference Room Design Check List

Conference Room Design Check List

Conference room design check lists are a must to ensure you create a functional and appropriate setting for taking care of business. Conference room designs can drastically differentiate from company to company, so choose a design scheme that matches your company dynamic--whether strictly business or light-hearted, or something in between. Employees often spend several hours or more each week in the conference room, so take the necessary time to get it right. Does this Spark an idea?


    Lighting is key in the overall conference room design. Proper lighting should include a combination of natural and ambient light. Natural light will provide an airy and open feel to the room. Ambient light fixtures in the conference room can include ceiling fixtures or pendants, hanging wall fixture or sconces, track lighting and table or floor lamps. A dimming feature can also be included for function; dimming the lights during presentations is common in many companies. Blinds to keep out unwanted light or to ensure privacy must also go on the checklist.


    Tables and chairs are essential conference room furnishings. They can evoke the unique style of the company if desired, but quality and durability should not be compromised for design. The design of the furniture should reflect the unique demands of the room's function. Furniture that will be shifted often should be lightweight, while furniture that will remain unchanged can be glass or solid wood. The size of the room must always be considered before any final purchases are made. Make sure the furniture does not crowd the room; there should be a sufficient amount of space for company staff as well as visiting staff to move around comfortably. Providing comfort is essential in a conference room, especially for long meetings. Chairs should be supportive and versatile as different body types will often use the same chair.


    A conference room requires various essential pieces of equipment to bring out the true function of the space. Projectors are perhaps the No. 1 essential piece of equipment to check off the list. They are commonly used to project presentations, graphics and slideshows during a meeting. Portable or stationary overhead projectors are ideal; you can move portable projectors when needed, and overhead projectors are always out of the way. Internet connection ports and/or a computer are essential as well. Video conferencing is very common in technology-forward companies and saves travel time and money with the simple purchase of a webcam. An LCD or plasma screen will give the conference room a hi-tech design and project online video conferences. Phone systems that include a microphone are crucial for teleconferencing and hosting webinars. Cables such as VGA or HDMI are required to connect conference room equipment.


    Paint the conference room walls to match the rest of your office's decor. If your office is white, then you can leave the walls in the conference room white. Hang art or enlarged photos in the conference room if wall art aligns with your company culture. Do not go over the top; you do not want to distract people, but adding a little decor into the room makes it feel more comfortable and inviting.


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