English measurements are those measurements of length, area, volume, weight and other physical characteristics whose base units are demarcated in inches, feet, pounds and further base units found in the English standard system. Conversely, the metric system is the system of measurement that relies on base units of meters, liters, newtons and other metric base units. Since both systems are in common use as of 2011, procedures for converting from one system to the other have been developed. All base unit conversions may follow the same generalized procedure.
Example: What Is the Metric Equivalent of Five Feet?
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Write down the length you intend to convert. For the current example, this appears as "5 ft," representative of the English length of five feet.
2Reference the appropriate conversion factor from a scientific textbook or a unit conversion website. The Washington State Department of Transportation hosts a useful reference on standard to metric conversion factors, which includes the length metric of 0.3048 meters per foot.
3Use the calculator to multiply the original length -- in this case, 5 ft -- by the appropriate conversion factor. The desired end unit in the current example is a meter, so the referenced metric may be used in its originally written form of 0.3048 m/ft -- note that the meter unit appears on top and that the feet in both factors will cancel one another out in the conversion. Written out, this operation appears as (5 ft)(0.3048 m/ft) = 1.52 m.
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