In the metric system, non-liquid ingredients are measured in grams. Sometimes it is necessary to convert measurements for recipes from grams to the appropriate number of ounces or cups. While a cup is a common cooking measure used in the U.S., the metric system measures the mass of a substance rather than its weight. Unlike weight, which is simply a measure of how heavy a substance is, mass measures the actual amount of something and is unaffected by gravity. For this reason, different ingredients can have different metric measures. Therefore, the number of grams it takes to equal one cup differs depending on the ingredient.
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Find a table that converts the measurements of common cooking ingredients (see Resources).
2Take into account that weight in grams varies depending on the density of the ingredient being measured. One cup is an average measurement, but grams give you a more exact measure for an ingredient. Even though the number of grams in ingredients can vary according to their density, on average 1 gram measures approximately .035 oz.
3Change the weight of a non-liquid ingredient from grams to cups by comparing the metric measure with the standard American system of unit measurements. For example, 1 oz. in weight is the standard measure for the metric equivalent of about 28 grams. But when converting grams to ounces, multiply the number of grams by .035.
4Divide the total number of grams of an ingredient by the average number of grams in 1 oz. to arrive at the measurement in ounces.
5Divide the total number of ounces by 8 to find the measurement in cups (there are 8 oz. in 1 cup). Round off the measurement if necessary.
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