The conversion of kilometer per liter (km/L) to miles per gallon (mi./gal.) can be carried out in steps or all at once. The conversion requires a conversion table, such as the one available from the University of Minnesota.
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The conversion factor for kilometers (km) to miles (mi.) is 1 km = 0.621371 mi. Therefore, multiply a number in km/L by 0.621371 mi./km. This will convert the number to miles per liter (mi./L).
For example, if a car achieved 15 km/L, then the same car would achieve (15 km/L) --- (0.621371 km/mi.) = 9.32 mi./L.
2The conversion factor for liters to gallons is 1 L = 0.26417 gal. To convert the liters term from the previous conversion to gallons, divide by 0.26417 gal/L. The number will now be in units of mi./gal, commonly abbreviated "mpg."
(9.32 mi./L) (0.26417 gal./L) = 35.3 mi./gal.
3This process can be streamlined by combining the two conversion factors into one. Instead of multiplying by 0.621371 and dividing by 0.26417 in separate steps, simply multiply the original km/L number by 2.352:
(15 km/L) --- (2.352 mi.L/ = 35.3 mi./gal.
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